Creation Process!

Hey friends! So I often get asked about my creation process, and I wanted to post here with some photos of my process with this recent dove commission painting.

I’ll keep doing this for new pieces in the future, and I can go into more detail about the materials I use and the time it takes, as well as what some of the paintings symbolically mean to me!

This piece in particular combines a few visual tropes I love to use in my work, halos and eyes. I frequently borrow religious iconography in my work as a way of re centering the importance of living animals as essential figures in the ecosystems of our world. I use the halo visually as a way to speak to their roll as unwilling martyrs in the destruction of the natural world, and the sacred nature of wild creatures and wild places.

Eyes in my work represent the Third Eye or Inner Eye concept, the eye that has True Sight and can see beyond the mortal or material plane, beyond the illusions of separation.
